


Sports180 Sqn and the Air Cadets runs a sports program comprising of weekly sports nights, sports competitions during the training year and courses in the summer. Sports are varied, and senior cadets will also get training and experience in running and refereeing different sports and games.

Monday Night Sports
Cadets from 180 Sqn are all free to join the Monday night sports program. On Monday nights, from 18:30 to 21:00 at Glenview, cadets will play basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, European handball, soccer, and more.
Sports Competitions
There are several competitions during the year that cadets can take part in. The Toronto Air Group Sports Competition is the largest, spanning a weekend in the spring, where 180 Sqn competes against others from around the Greater Toronto Area in a variety of sports.

Other events include the Durham Sports Competition, the Toronto Air Group Swim Competition and the 856 Sqn Soccer Competition.
Related Summer Courses
  • Introduction to Fitness & Sports Course (ITFS) - 2 Weeks
  • Fitness & Sports Instructor Course (FSI) - 4 Weeks